Flash wakes up every morning and says, "Mommy what is the plan." I feel like I need to pull out my lesson plans from teaching 5th grade or become a camp counselor. But, this week Flash was FULL of some plans. It was quite eventful. It started with the 3 year old program at Covenant. Flash sang, "My God is so Big" with many hand motions. He has a great class this year and they did a great job.
Waiting in line for the program to begin |
Singing and smiling |
I love my daddy and so happy to see him at my program |
The following day was Nate Sartelle's lightsaber/Darth Vadar birthday party. This was huge and Flash even got to be "dropped off" at the party. He played water balloons and even got to fight Darth Vadar with his light saber. It was a big time with all his favorite friends.
Nate, John Evans and John Spears Wolters |
Finally, we had to get TUBES for the 3rd time. That sweet boy did great. He couldn't eat or drink anything until 11am that day, but he got some fun rewards for going through the pain. We are excited his hearing is back.
Right after surgery drinking his sprite |